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Counting to 189 in Nydansk #

Status: ✅ Complete #

About the challenge #

A short time after I co-invented the "New-Danish" counting system, fellow AMOK member Kasper issued me this challenge. The New Danish Counting System continues the 20-based "snes" system that classical Danish uses for numbers from 50-90, applying that logic to all numbers from 10-189, the highest number we've figured out how to count to using this system.

Kasper says I messed up one of the numbers in the video, but I can't find it, and he hasn't made his own, and now the proposed deadline of 2023-12-31 has passed, so, I'm taking this as a win.

Original Challenge Statement #

Liam is challenged to: The first counting video in nydansk
Date Challenge Submitted: Sunday, 8 August 2021
More detail, if necessary: I, Don Kasperaliteten, hereby challenge chairman [Liam Nilsen] to do the world's first video recording of the "nydansk" number system.

This system extrapolates the principle of how the Danish numbers from 50, "halvtreds", to 90, "halvfems", are pronounced to extent to ALL numbers. As a logical consequence of this principle, the highest possible number is, "ni-og-halv-nis", 189 (whereas all succeeding numbers must be factorized of these).

The video recording of the counting session must satisfy the following criteria:

- The ONLY person appearing in the video must be Don/Liam, respectively, in a facial close-up
- The person MUST count from 0 to 189 pronouncing the numbers in accordance with the rules of nydansk
- The recording CANNOT accept any errors in pronunciation, although hesitation and breaks are accepted
- It is FORBIDDEN to edit, mix or in any way post-produce the recording - the only final product allowed is a one-take recording
- NO external aids can be used to remember the number system - the whole sequence must be recited from heart or from memory

The first person to successfully record, upload and send their recording to the other, will be registered as the world's first nydanske counting recording.
Challenger Name: Don Kasperaliteten
Challenger Contact: [redacted]
Proposed Date of Challenge: Sunday, 31 December 2023
Proposed Location of Challenge: Online